Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Sera Princess thought about what her friends might want to do. The mall? The beach? Safe option were the jeans. She dressed quickly then tidied her room. Her Mum didn’t need to walk in and see that mess – not with all that was going on.

After a last look around, she clattered down the stairs and started scrabbling around in the hall cupboard for her backpack. Finding it she stood up.
“Seeya mum!” she shouted.
“Taihoa bub!” Her Mum walked out of the kitchen with a container in her hands. “Have some of these – I’ve just taken them out.” She stuffed the container into the backpack. “Better take a raincoat too - the weather’s turning.” Sera Princess nodded. Although the sun was shining, she’d thought there was rain coming. Perhaps that was why she was so fidgety? She grabbed her raincoat from the cupboard.
“Okay. Love you.” She stepped in for a hug.
“Love you too baby.” Her Mum hugged her tightly. “And don’t worry. I told you. Your Dad’s okay.”
They smiled at each other.

Once outside Sera Princess felt her mood improve. She should cut through the park while the weather was still good. She might even see the rabbits Alane swore were in there. Turning left she headed for the walkway halfway down the block.

“Oma rapiti, oma rapiti…” Her voice filtered through the kanuka trees as she walked along the path. Her attention was caught by a plastic bag caught in a branch. There was a piece of paper inside. “Where ways cross, climb the hill for heart’s wish.” Probably one of the orienteering group’s clues. But…there was something different about this clue. Something… she looked up. She could see where the paths crossed. Should she go left up the hill or turn right towards town?

WHICH way should Sera Princess go? To the Left or To the Right?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I choose left to the hill!!!